Wednesday 10 July 2019


Yesterday, Malcolm and I decided we'd take a short trip and have a look at Dovedale. It has been some years since we ventured out that way and to avoid too many people, we parked the car at Milldale, rather than the main 'tourists' car park and set out along the river.
Last year, we were suffering the effects of the drought, but this year, everything is lush and green and despite the slightly overcast conditions, it was quite beautiful along the river Dove.
Surprisingly, there were still quite a few people about, but nowhere near the numbers we'd normally expect to encounter along the river.
Soon, we found our first Dipper (Cinclus cinclus). Britain is home to about 11,000 pairs of these active little birds and they're always a joy to watch. This one of course, flew off as soon as I raised my camera to take a picture, but I still managed to snap it from a distance.
In various places along the river, large clumps of Monkey Flowers (Mimulus guttatus) made a glorious splash of colour. A non-native species, it was introduced from North America, but has now established itself in most parts of the country.
Away from the river, among the rocky outcrops of the valley sides, Wild Thyme (Thymus polytrichus) was clinging on.
Great for the bees on a brighter day!
Back down to the river and a little digital 'bloom' gives the scene a different look.
On to Dove Holes, a couple of small caves, set a little way up the side of the valley and a perfect place to sit and have our lunch - after Malcolm had checked to see if it was safe!
The caves were occupied by hunters about 15,000 years ago and were used as tombs by Neolithic people around 4,500 years ago.
On a nice day, you can see why this was a popular spot. Indeed, given a few USB charging points and a flat-screen telly and a nice armchair or two, it would still have it's attractions. Even a niche or two for one's objets d'art!
And who could fail to be impressed with a view like this from your front door?
Soon it was time to start heading back. Passing Ilam Rock on the way.
Just time for a couple more pictures. Here, looking back at the caves from little higher up.
And another picture with a little 'bloom' for a magical effect. All in all, it had been a lovely trip out!

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