Tuesday 18 June 2019

Wild Flowers

Despite the rather chilly and wet weather we've had of late, Shipley Park is looking very colourful at the moment. This morning's walk took Malcolm and I through some fabulous wild flower meadows.
It's the time of year, when we start to look for the Bee Orchids coming into flower - and we found plenty of them this morning.
Such small flowers are often tricky to find among the others plants, but once you've got your eye in, you soon find them all over.
Some of the flowers have suffered a little in the rain, but these were quite gorgeous.
Go on then, just one more...
Growing alongside the Bee Orchids, the small, bright flowers of these Yellow-wort plants, were looking good too.
Yellow-wort like well drained conditions, so they're quite happy in the gravels of this old car-park.
There will no doubt be plenty more flowers to come....

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