Saturday 22 June 2019

Odds and Ends

Just a few random pictures today, from our recent walks, starting with this rather attractive little Tufted Duck which seemed keen to have his photo taken...
But then, judging by his expression, he changed his mind!
Yesterday, as we were in Mapperley Village, we could hear the unmistakable sound of a Peacock, screaming in the distance. Eventually, we found where he was calling from.
From his vantage point on top of this shed, he made quite an impressive sight - and sound!
On Thursday, we went up and over Shipley Hill to check if the Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) which we found a few weeks ago, had started to flower. It had!
This is still a small specimen and isn't very impressive so far, but the flowers, from which the tree gets its name, are still rather gorgeous. The leaves are a strange shape too.
Back home, our own garden has been permeated by the most intoxicating smell recently because our Palm (Cordyline australis) has produced three large flower spikes this year. We've never had such a good 'crop' of flowers - and the bees have loved them too. Sadly, the wet weather has dramatically shortened the flowering time, but it was good while it lasted.
Out in the countryside, the paths have been lined with Forget-me-nots...
and Cow Parsley.
But now, as they both begin to fade, the Ox-eye Daisies have their moment in the sun.

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