Friday 14 June 2019


Leaving Swanage behind, we set off for Lulworth Cove. The weather was looking more threatening by the minute, but we pressed on anyway. Leaving the car behind, we set off to find the cove, passing such thatched delights as  Cove Cottage and Spring Cottage as we went.
Cove Cottage dates to the 18th century and has a small stream running through the grounds before it passes under the road and into a pond.  We soon made it to the cove itself.
Having seen the cove on TV many times and been told about it in school geography lessons (about 100 years ago), we were not disappointed with the views.
It was nice down at water level, but a bit busy tourists (they get everywhere), so we headed up the tracks to get a higher view.
From here, we could see down to Stair Hole and more interesting folding in the rock formations. In some places, the rocks have been folded and twisted so that the sedimentary layers are now vertical.
With arches and blow holes, it was a geologist's dream.
Soon after this photo was taken, it started to rain. So we headed back towards the car. Unfortunately, by the time we got back to the car park, it was pouring down and ankle-deep in water and we were absolutely soaked...
More tomorrow!

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