Wednesday 15 May 2019

Ponds and Panoramas

It was a glorious morning again, so Malcolm and I set out across Shipley Park to take a closer look at a new pond. This area was until very recently, part of an opencast mine. But since the mining has come to an end, trees have been planted, grassland opened up and a few small ponds have appeared.
Many, circular walks have been signposted and footpaths created around here, so we will have to investigate them over the summer. For today, we were just happy to enjoy the weather and the view. It afforded me the opportunity to use the panorama setting of my camera.
... and again!
On our walk yesterday, we stood and took in the view of another, smaller pond, which has been planted with reeds and generally landscaped, close to the visitors' centre.
Back to this morning and as we walked through the woodland around Mapperley reservoir, a beautiful, yellow flowered plant caught the eye. It is a Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus). Unlike the Lesser Celandine which is a member of the Buttercup family, this Greater Celandine, belongs to the Poppy family and is in fact rather poisonous.
The fields are now filling with the 'clocks' of Dandelions, glowing like small, white, fluffy globes in the sunshine.
We will have to return to these walks at a later date.

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