Wednesday 1 May 2019

May Day

It was a lovely morning, so Malcolm and I decided we'd do the 'Donkey Walk' today. Everywhere along the verges, Garlic Mustard (Alliara petiolata) is coming into flower. The cruciform shape of each individual flower, gives away that it belongs to the cabbage family.
In the fields belonging to the Wildlife Trust, Highland Cattle are enjoying the new grass, as well as the fresh hay, provided gratis!
These two fine specimens are sporting some pretty impressive headgear.
Gentle as their reputation is, you still wouldn't like to upset them and find yourself on the receiving end of those horns.
Back to the hedgerows and the Horse chestnut trees (Aesculus hippocastanum) are also coming into full bloom now. They are easily overlooked, but well worth closer inspection.
Things were definitely looking more like summer this morning as we took in the view from Slack Lane, across to Shipley Hill.
And just to finish with for today, a couple of pictures from yesterday's walk past Mapperley Reservoir where we were delighted to see this happy family...
one very proud mum and her eight little charges.

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