Friday 12 April 2019

Full Swing Spring

It's not just the blossom which is breaking out all over - like this Blackthorn - which signal the fact that spring is in full swing (complete with Honey Bee.)
At Straw's Bridge yesterday, a rather feisty Coot was sitting tight on a nest, built in the shade of a water-side willow.
It's a sad indictment of modern times, that its nest includes several pieces of plastic woven into the structure.
It was a little less sunny at Osborne's Pond a couple of days ago, but here too, spring was happening, despite the chilly wind.
Cowslips are blooming around the lakes of Straw's Bridge. In places, there are dozens of them taking advantage of some sunshine before the leaves on the trees, block it out.
From their vantage point, they had a pretty good view across the nearby lake.
Elsewhere in Shipley Park, the plethora of wooden sculptures which have recently sprung up in recent weeks, has a new addition. This time, a large Snail, sitting on a half-eaten apple. Lets hope the real ones do not get to this size!

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