Saturday 6 April 2019

Force it

Leaving Windermere behind, we set off again. This time, we drove up and over the Kirkstone Pass on our way towards Ullswater. Halfway there, we stopped off for some lunch in a car park with a view - the 2,546 ft summit Red Screes.
Thereafter, it was off to Aira Force. The stream which feeds this waterfall is the Aira Beck and it drops through some pretty spectacular falls and rapids on its way down to Ullswater.
The woodland walk up to the falls, was rather nice...
until we got to the lower of the two bridges which span the beck. The bridge is built with vertically aligned stones, which is apparently unusual for Cumbria.
Soon enough, we had our first look at Aira Force itself. The water drops about 72 ft with another bridge spanning the top - built with horizontal stones, far more traditional!
We were expecting there to be far more water crashing down the falls at this time of year, but it was unusually lacking after a fairly dry winter. But the view from the bridge, looking straight down, was still good.
Tuning back after a while, there were lots of beautiful Primroses flowering along the banks of the beck.
The water was now picking its way quietly through the rocks...
as was Malcolm.
Time for one more look, back up stream towards the force.
Still more to come.

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