Monday 22 April 2019

Bluebell Time

We've been enjoying some remarkably high temperatures lately - unusual for Easter! But as a result the flowers have been popping open all over the place. Not least of which have been the Bluebells which have started to make quite a show on Shipley Hill.
Not yet quite at their best, it may still be a few days before we get the full show, but it's not bad for starters.
With the promise of much greater things to come.
Also on Shipley Hill, the Cherry blossom is looking good, particularly this double-flowered specimen.
At the lakes of Straw's Bridge, the careful observer will notice a profusion of small blue flowers growing close to one of the lakes.
These belong to the Ground Ivy. Get it in your garden and it will be the bane of your life, but out in the wild - where it should be - it is quite beautiful. And the bees love it!
Just one more from this morning's short walk. This, taken looking across the small lake of Pewit Carr while we stood listening to a Cetti's Warbler singing his little heart out on such a lovely day.

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