Thursday 25 April 2019

Bells and Bugs

The recent warm, dry weather has been good for the butterflies. Already this year, we've seen Speckled Woods, Red Admirals, Small Tortoiseshells and at least one Common Blue. But probably the most numerous at the moment have to be Male Orange Tips.
This one was keeping his distance so a certain amount of zoom was required, but what a beauty!
Another insect which seems to be having a good year, is the Bee Fly (Bombylius major). We usually manage to see one or two during the spring and early summer, but this year, they seem to be all over the place already. Easy to recognise, they resemble a bee with a long proboscis, which may look scary, but is used for sipping nectar.
Back to the Bluebells and Mapperley Wood is beginning to fill with their heady fragrance.
... go on then, just one more!
And one from this morning's walk, which took in the viewing platform, giving a fine view over much of the surrounding countryside - with some developing rain clouds this morning.

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