Friday 19 October 2018

Cold Start

Out and about again this morning, it was decidedly chilly, so I dug out the woolly hats for the first time this season. Despite the chill, it was a glorious morning to be out. Climbing Shipley Hill, the sunshine was filtering through the ever-thinning leaves.
By the side of Nottingham Lodge, there is a small Acer which is giving some fabulous autumn colour.
It always needs a closer look as we pass it.
From the hill, it was down towards Osborne's Pond, looking over to some more Autumn colour on Cinder Hill.
Further on and the reflections on Osborne's Pond were well worth it.
We were not the only ones enjoying the view - this Black-headed Gull was taking it all in too.
All too soon, we turned for home and a nice, warming cup of coffee.....

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