Friday 8 June 2018


As usual, Malcolm and I did a lot of walking while on our short break. We were lucky that we had a wonderful walk close to where we were staying, called the Weavers' Way.
The Weavers' Way actually stretches from Cromer to Great Yarmouth, a distance of around 61 miles in total. Needless to say, we didn't do the whole thing!
This small piece of it, ran south from Acle, crossing the A47 and the railway line, then heading across more open farmland, but all the while, keeping the river (an off-shoot of the Bure), to the side of us.
The trees were filled with singing birds. Chiff-chaffs, Willow Warblers and Wrens accompanying many others and even a Cuckoo - the first one we've heard for several years.
We couldn't believe how quiet it was. In fact, I don't think we saw a soul all along the walk.
Soon, it was time to turn back to Acle, taking in the parish church of Saint Edmund.
Somewhat unusually, the church has a round tower with an octagonal section on top. The round part dates from around 850 to 950 AD with the octagonal bit added in the 13th century and the battlements atop it, from 1472. It all looked very well looked-after too!
Still more to come...

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