Thursday 5 April 2018

Spring at Last!

It has been so wet and miserable lately, that it has hardly seemed like Spring at all. But this morning, we set out in glorious sunshine and blue skies, feeling more Spring-like than we have for some time. After a very chilly start, it soon warmed up and despite the mud under foot, we set out for Shipley Hill and Mapperley, ostensibly to check on the Daffodils. We were not disappointed.
These cultivated specimens, growing near Home Farm at he top of the hill, were enjoying the sunshine almost as much as we were.
Further on and we stopped to admire their wild cousins, growing among the trees of Shipley Wood.
Smaller and paler of colour, they are no less welcome as they add their own spalshes of sunshine to the woodland floor.
The daffodils are not the only flowers opening in defiance of the recent bad weather. The hedgerows are filling with thousands of Blackthorn flowers.
These beauties were found blossoming beside Straw's Bridge a few days ago.
As we returned home along Slack Lane this morning, the unmistakable scent of coconuts wafted at us from the Gorse bushes growing along the side.
Gorse is almost always in flower, but when the sun shines on the flowers and warms them enough to release their scent, they really come into their own.
The Highland Cattle in the field beyond, seemed to be enjoying the better weather too. This one appeared to be nodding off in the sun.
What a pleasant change!

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