Thursday 25 January 2018

End of Break

All too soon, our break away in wind-swept Newquay was at an end. We'd seen plenty of crashing waves.
Some sandy - and almost deserted - beaches...
and even a skulking small bird or two (spot the Wren in this picture).
The natives were friendly - if a little persistent!
And the weather had been very kind to us. We had wondered if it was madness going on a week's holiday to Cornwall in the middle of January. But in the end it turned out to be much better than either of us could have hoped for.
Heading home again on the Saturday, we broke up the journey once more, with an overnight stay at Weston-Super-Mare. Arriving there in the afternoon, we had a stroll along the prom before checking in to the Travelodge. By heck! it was a chilly wind which assaulted us as we walked along.
Despite the sunshine, there were not very many people brave enough (or foolish enough) to be walking along the promenade, so we had a wonderfully quiet time of it.
So, the sun set on a great week away!

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