Saturday 9 December 2017


Malcolm and I have returned from a (very) short break in York. Having been before to have a look around their Christmas market, we thought we'd repeat the experience. Last time we went, the city was suffering from severe flooding...
This time, things were much more normal and the sunshine first thing in the morning, was glinting on the surface of the Ouse.
The evening before, we set out for a wander about the city centre to soak up a bit of Christmas atmos'.
Trying to avoid the more congested parts - which turned out to be those stalls which were giving away samples of alcoholic beverages - we squeezed our way through the crowds.
Thankfully, things were a little quieter than the last time we visited, so we were able to appreciate the decorations.
It was all very seasonal - including the chilly wind which cut you to pieces.
Back to the Travelodge for Mulled wine and a mince pie and to warm up a bit.
Next morning, we had time for a quick stroll round the city in the sunshine. Clifford's Tower was looking particularly fine against a clear blue sky and even the moon was putting in an appearance.
Very festive - Christmas starts here!

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