Wednesday 27 December 2017

Look Back 1

Today, we'll start our traditional look  back at the past twelve months starting - strangely enough - with January. Things started out rather sunny and with a little bit of manipulation, the woodland looked dark and mysterious.
 The Wildlife Trust's Konik Ponies were shaggy-coated and gorgeous...
.. and after a few dull days in mid January, the sun came out again (along with some mist) and brightened the scene.
By February, the Snowdrops had taken centre stage - particularly early this year!
 A long walk took me all the way to Smalley and the peaceful scene of Smalley Dam, with it's associated pond and a pair of Mandarin Ducks hidden in there somewhere.
 The early Spring was further enhanced further, by the appearance of Daffodils in the woodland.
 And at home, things were turning very colourful too.
Soon, February gave way to March and the early flowers proliferated. More Daffodils...
The prickly Gorse...
 and the Blackthorn, all started things off.
 Soon, the Cherry trees were bursting out too.
March also saw Malcolm and I taking a short break Inverness.
 A fine city with the added attraction of some birds we don't normally get to see back home. Hooded Crows...
 and a fantastic sighting of a Goldeneye.
 My goodness, it was cold though!
Back home, things had turned rather more yellow in the countryside as spring sprung!
More to come tomorrow....

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