Thursday 2 November 2017


We thought we would take a look at Mapperley Reservoir this morning as there had been reports of a group of Mandarin Ducks. Needless to say, we didn't find the Mandarins, but we were treated to the sight of a pair of Kingfishers chasing each other across the water. Unfortunately, they didn't stay still long enough to get a photo, so we'll have to settle for some general views.
Despite being rather overcast, the weather stayed dry as we took in the scene.
It soon became clear that the reflections on the surface of the reservoir, were well worth looking at too.
There was no breeze to disturb the surface, so the reflections were quite sharp.
Some of the Willows had bracket fungus growing on them - while trying to hang on to their leaves before Autumn turns to Winter and they give up the battle.

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