Monday 23 October 2017

Autumn Walks

After the recent wild weather, the colours of Autumn have taken a bit of a bashing. The Maples of Shipley Park were looking quite good before the wind stripped them of their colourful covering.
On Shipley Hill, the Oaks and Beeches have now lost many of their leaves, but at least the mild, wet weather has ensured that the grass is still green.
Among the trees on hill, much of the recent colour now carpets the ground, but with a bit of digital manipulation, things can still look good - and surprisingly green.
You can even turn the scene into an oil painting...
This morning, as we strode along 'the farm walk', I was delighted to see that the fungi were still doing well beneath the silver birches. I still haven't been able to positively identify some of the toadstools I photographed a couple of weeks ago. The big brown ones...
the smaller white ones...
More brown ones...
Some with a creamy appearance...
and a few gorgeous ones with a pink flush.
Looks like I still have some work to do.

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