Wednesday 6 September 2017


Malcolm and I have been away for a short break in Edinburgh. We have always been very lucky with the weather on our trips to the Scottish capital, but this time we were not quite so lucky. Having said that, we still managed to get out and about and do everything we had in mind.
On Monday, we took in the sights of Calton Hill.
As you can see from the pictures, it was rather dull while we walked among the attractions and other tourists of the hill, but at least it was dry at the time.
The weather did have the effect of keeping the numbers of sight-seers down and we had a rare view of the National Monument without hundreds of people getting in the way.
Things were very busy down in the city and Princes Street was its usual bustling self.
There will be lots more pictures to come over the next few days as I sort through them. So, keep watching this space...

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