Monday 3 July 2017

Black and White

Walking around Shipley Park these last few days, has given us some lovely views of various bird species. Starting with the Black ones.
As we walked down from Shipley Hill towards Mapperley village the other day, there were as usual, several Carrion Crows on the grass beside the path.
Normally, they don't let us near them and fly off as soon as anyone walks past, but they were being a little more accommodating this time and allowed a slightly closer look.
They were still keeping a careful eye on us as we passed by. This one, from the relative safety of a fence post.
On to the white birds and our walk this morning. Having taken in the delights of the wild flower meadows around Shipley Park, we spotted a family of Mute Swans on the overflow pond of Shipley Lake.
Mother, father and four gorgeous cygnets paddled over to get a closer look at us, with the Cob always keeping himself between his babies and us, while the Pen fussed around, keeping them close to her.
A beautiful family.
We managed to get some close views...
Then the Cob decided to climb out of the water, so we retreated and left them all in peace.

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