Sunday 4 June 2017

Something New

Where the ground was disturbed by groundworks last year, lots of new flowers have stared to emerge. Among these, a pretty, pink member of the pea family has appeared, its spikes of flowers standing above the surrounding grasses and clovers. A new 'tick' for my life list, it is a Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia.)
Often grown for cattle fodder, it has various chemicals within it, which help to control nematode worms in the guts of ruminants. Being the only member of the Pea family in the UK with pale pink flowers in a conical spike, makes this species easy to identify.
Another recent new tick for me has been the Common Spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris.) Not so colourful and far easier to overlook, this unassuming little plant is a member of the Sedge family and can be found growing in many of the wetter places around here.
Extremely variable in form, it grows almost worldwide in one form or another, so it's a wonder it's taken me until now to notice it!
To end with, just a couple of pictures of views around Shipley Park, starting with the view from Shipley Hill towards the south and the Buttercup-filled pastures.
More Buttercups, this time from the fields around Mapperley Reservoir. They're always worth another picture...

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