Wednesday 31 May 2017

Shipley Estate

The Shipley estate, once the ancestral home of the Miller-Mundy family, is still full of surprises and all-round colour. We started the year with millions of Snowdrops, followed by the Daffodils and then an explosion of flower in the form of Cherries and Bluebells. Now however, it's the turn of the Rhododendrons and Azaleas to take centre stage.
Many different varieties grace the Old Hall gardens and their flowers almost overload the senses with colour.
Mauve and pink are the dominant colours, but they vary from white...
... through deep pinks and reds... (Malcolm seems to be drawn to these).
to the bright orange and yellows of these azaleas.
The yellow Azalea (Rhododendron luteum) also has a magical scent.
Despite being demolished in 1943, the legacy of Shipley Hall, still lives on in the gardens and grounds.

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