Monday 22 May 2017


More views today, from our walks along the delightful promenade in Lugano. In parts, the path is lined with well-clipped Lime trees which provide some welcome shade on a sunny day.
Where the Limes stop, other trees take over the job. Here, a Cedar provided not only shade, but a nice frame to the scene. Across the water, we were looking from Switzerland, into Italy and the peak of Sighignola. The Swiss-Italian border practically bisects this mountain.
Malcolm was busy snapping away at the scene too...
Leaving the waterside for a moment, we sat for a while by the fountain in the Piazza Alessandro Manzoni (named after an Italian Poet.)
Hiding behind the trees, you could justmake out the imposing, colonnaded edifice of the Banca Della Svizzera Italiana, the oldest bank in the Ticino region, founded in 1873.
Back to the promenade and the return stroll along the Lime trees, to 'our' part of the city, rather optimistically known as 'Paradiso'.
Much more still to come...

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