Tuesday 4 April 2017

Birds and Blossom

Setting out for our walk this morning, we didn't expect to be stopped in our tracks only a few minutes later, by the sight of a flock of Waxwings.
Typically, the weather was somewhat grey and dull so it was difficult to get a good shot, but with a little bit of digital manipulation, I've managed to brighten the view. It must be getting close to the time when these beautiful little birds must start back to their breeding grounds in Scandinavia, so it was even more exciting to see so many (about 30), so late in the season.
Spring is certainly in the air as the Cherry Blossom proves.
This particular tree, close to the Nutbrook Coffee Shop, was bursting at the seams with blossom this morning...

... despite the dull weather.
Yesterday, we were joined on our walk, by the ever-lovely Jayne. Thankfully, the sun shone on us as we walked round Shipley Park and the Old Hall site where a large Pieris was giving good value as always at this time of year.
No doubt, there will be more of that to come.

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