Wednesday 22 March 2017


Malcolm and I got back yesterday, from our short break in Inverness. Having only ever driven past the city on our way to or from somewhere else, we thought it might be nice to spend some time there to explore a little and we were right!
Regarded as the capital of the Highlands, the city is dominated by the river from which it takes its name. The river Ness was certainly full and flowing rapidly beneath the many bridges crossing it.
Overlooking the river, it is hard to miss the Castle on top of its cliff.
Despite appearances, the castle was only built in 1836, but occupies the site of an earlier fortified structure dating from the 11th century. The new castle is home to the Sheriff Court and as such is not open to the public.
At the front of the building, stands a dramatic statue of Flora MacDonald, Jacobite heroine and helper to Prince Charles Edward Stuart as he fled from defeat at the battle of Culloden.
From this vantage point, we had a great view over the river to the south, taking in the Scottish Episcopalian Cathedral of St. Andrews.
More tomorrow...

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