Tuesday 27 December 2016

2016 Round-up Part 1

As is normal at this time of year, I will spend the next few days looking back at the past twelve months.
January started off in a rather soggy mode. Ways were foul and mud clogged up our shoes as we strolled around our usual paths.
We were rather busy during January as my mother, who had spent last Christmas in hospital, was moved to a nursing home and Malcolm and I spent much of our time travelling back and forth to King's Lynn sorting things out. Weather wise, things had brightened up by the middle of the month with some sunshine and we were not the only ones enjoying the weather.
It got chilly...
Then it got very mild for January, leading to the appearance of Blackthorn blossom.
And the first Snowdrops.
The mild temperatures continued into February and this Bullfinch was seen enjoying the sunshine.
But then it all went downhill again with more normal, freezing conditions returning. Walking round Mapperley Reservoir, the chill was enough to 'cut you in half'.
Things were somewhat chilly on an emotional level too, as we finally lost my mother and said our last goodbyes on 18th.
Getting back to 'normal' once more, we again, enjoyed the Snowdrops on Shipley Hill. . .
It remained very cold for the rest of the month. . .
But, by the end of February, more spring flowers were appearing, cheering up what had been a rather fraught start to the year.

More to come tomorrow...

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