Thursday 20 October 2016

Sparkling Sunshine

The bright sunshine during our time in Croatia made for some wonderful sea views, not least because of the wonderful effect of the sparkles on water. Here, the waters at Cavtat...
And here at Dubrovnik, as seen from on high at the top of the cable car.
Closer to 'home' the shingle and rocky beaches of Plat proved to be good for sparkles too, especially when the breeze caused there to be a few small 'breakers' on the rocks. With a little 'bloom' we get a nice soft focus effect.
Some interesting effects can be made with a little digital manipulation. Here, the view from the city walls of Dubrovnik, across the sea to St. Lawrence's Fortress.
And here, looking across the old city, towards a cruise liner moored in the bay.
There was no need to mess about with the views we had from our walk around Cavtat. The sea was so blue and the sun so bright, that the colours were just perfect as they were.

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