Monday 24 October 2016

Shipley Hill

Yesterday, I mentioned the wonderful autumn colours to be found around Shipley Park at the moment. Anyone walking around the woodland on Shipley Hill, can be in no doubt of it.
Under the canopy, the colours are a little muted, but still the view is worth the climb. The ground is littered with acorns, conkers, beech mast and chestnuts, which all keeps the squirrels busy.
On the edge of the hill, overlooking the parkland and the view to the south, one tree dominates the scene at all times of the year, but especially in autumn. It's that wonderful Beech again...
Dotted among the trees are a few Yews, particularly around the site of the Old Hall. Their modified cones, bright red and looking like juicy little berries, are always worth closer look.
Back down the hill and passing the lake, a lone Mute Swan caught our eye the other day. The low sunshine filtering through the trees, gave a monochrome appearance to these pictures.
Practically the only colour was the orange of the swan's bill. All very beautiful!

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