Thursday 13 October 2016

Cable Car

On such a hot day, it was something of a relief to get away from the city for a while and take the Cable Car, up to the view point and restaurant above the city. It wasn't long before we started to get some nice views over the walled town - and we started to cool down a little too.
As we got higher, the views got better...
and better.
When we got to the top, the views were spectacular, not just of the old town, but the new city too, with its harbour hiding just out of sight. Beyond the city, some of the many islands of Croatia were visible through the heat haze.
Looking the other way, south-east , we could see the island of Lokrum with the town of Cavtat lurking away off in the distance.
Of all the places we have sat for morning coffee in the past, this had to be one of the best as well as one of the most dramatic.
Part of the complex of buildings on top of this hill, is the imposing stone edifice of the Imperial Fort.
Built between 1806 and 1812, it was dedicated to Napoleon the First.
The fortress became a symbol of heroic defense during the 'Homeland War' of 1991 - 1995. Damage from this period of war can still be seen, where soldiers held out in their defense of Dubrovnic. As well as being a monument, the fort now holds a museum to the Homeland War.
Much more still to come...

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