Tuesday 6 September 2016

Boating Lake

When what is now known as Shipley Woodside, was part of the estate of Shipley Hall, the large lake was known as the fish pond (some pond!) These days, it is in the process of redevelopment, but there is a small 'off-shoot' of water to the south, close to the Nutbrook Coffee Shop. Back in the day, there was a boat house on the side of this smaller lake. Today however, the casual passer-by can still enjoy the scene as Malcolm and I did this morning, without the aid of a boat.
It's all a far cry from the old days of genteel elegance when the Miller-Mundy family from the 'big house', owned the lakes. This old photo shows the scene from about the same place and includes that boat-house.
The bridge separated this small area of water, from the main lake beyond and it still does, but not so grandly!
It's still a nice place to stand and contemplate the view on such a nice day.

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