Wednesday 24 August 2016


We've had something of a mini heatwave over the last couple of days. The heat was pegged back a little this morning by a cooling breeze which kept things a bit more comfortable as Malcolm and I walked around Shipley Park. It was certainly very nice as we passed by Mapperley Reservoir.
Surprisingly quiet for the time of year, we walked on through the village and along Slack Lane, passing the six Poplar trees which dominate the sky line in these parts.
Standing so tall and straight, they make you feel rather small, particularly when looking up at them.
A little further along the lane, we were struck by the sight - and sound - of no fewer than eight Buzzards circling around in the warm sunshine. It was rather tricky getting a photo of them all as they were too far away and milling around but seven of them (believe me, they are there) managed to get in this photo.
At the side of the lane, there were several patches of Great Willowherb adding a touch of pink to the scene.
By now, it was getting rather hot, so we headed for home and a little bit of shade.

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