Wednesday 13 July 2016

Home Again

Malcolm and I returned home yesterday after a couple of days visiting the South of England. We had a nightmare journey on Sunday with road closures, diversions and an over-turned lorry causing more road closures, meaning that we were stuck in the car for the best part of eight hours. So our plans for the afternoon were abandoned. In the end, we went straight to the Travelodge to shower and change before heading off to have dinner with my cousin (once removed) Brian, Mary and their son (my second cousin) Simon, who I hadn't seen for about twenty years.
Mary cooked a delicious meal for us all and it was good to relax for the evening and catch up with Simon. A good time was had by all.
On Monday, we headed for the historic coastal village of Bosham on a recommendation from Simon and we were very glad we did.
Then it was on to spend the day in Portsmouth...
We did the 'touristy' thing...
And had a great day - even the weather was kind to us..
Many more pictures to come over the next few days as I get them sorted out.

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