Thursday 28 July 2016

Heanor Memorial Park

A couple of days ago, Malcolm and I took a fairly long walk to Heanor. We had it in mind to have a look at the Memorial Park, which we have passed on many occasions, but never actually visited.
The idea of the park was put forward at the end of the Second World War and it finally opened in 1951. The main gates were taken from the Derby Lodge entrance to Shipley Hall, donated by the Shipley Colliery company which owned the hall at the time.
A second set of entrance gates also came from the grounds of Shipley Hall and there is a centrepiece, traditional War Memorial. The memorial was added to following the Falklands War of 1982.
Now in the care of Amber Valley Council, there is a band stand and wildlife pond (sadly a little smelly and un-cared for.)
The park is planted with trees, shrubs and summer bedding and provides several bench seats for the weary walker to sit and break out the flask of coffee. So we did!
It was a good walk and well worth the effort of getting there.

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