Wednesday 15 June 2016

On The Edge

Yesterday, despite the weather, Malcolm and I had a trip out with his mother and her friend June who is staying with her for a few days. The forecast wasn't good, but we took the bull by the horns and went for a stroll on Froggatt Edge. On the way, we optimistically looked at the horizon and convinced ourselves that it was brightening up. But once on the edge, the mist and drizzle took away the usually dramatic views.
Looking along the gritstone escarpment, at least it wasn't pouring down, but it was rather wet under foot.
Down there somewhere is the village of Curbar and the river Derwent, but it was difficult to see either through the murk.
Soon, we headed back to the car and headed for the Peak Village shopping centre at Rowsley before ending up at Belper to have lunch. Not a bad day all things considered.

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