Monday 16 May 2016

Rhododendron Time

I was on my own this morning. Malcolm had an appointment for his annual asthma review, so it was left to me to investigate the burgeoning Rhododendrons on Shipley Hill.
Every year, we wait for the opening of these beauties at about the time the Bluebells begin to fade. The Rhododendrons and Azaleas continue the flow of flowers which start with the Snowdrops, and run through Daffodils, Cherry Blossom and Bluebells until we get to these...
and these...
Well worth waiting for.
On Shipley Hill, the Cherry Blossom is still looking good and this morning, looking through the canopy of blossom, the bright, lime-green of new leaves beyond caught my eye.
What a spectacle! Malcolm will have to see this tomorrow (weather permitting), having missed out today.

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