Tuesday 31 May 2016

Family Gathering

Last Wednesday was quite the family occasion. Like last year, some of Malcolm's family came over to our hotel for a bit of a get-together. The sun shone on us as we sat for a wonderful lunch on the water-front terrace of the hotel.
You couldn't have asked for a finer backdrop to lunch.
The hotel was situated on an inlet of the lake, forming a small marina for yachts, row-boats and areas for outdoor swimming.
Around the mountain 'Niesen', several fighter jets of the Swiss air force were on exercise, leaving con-trails in the sky which caught the sun and formed rainbow coloured streaks.
From the other side of the lake, you get an idea of the hotel's situation. In this picture, it's the traditional style, wooden building on the water-front, to the left of the castle keep. The Hotel's website claims that this is 'the most beautiful bay in Europe' and it's difficult to argue with that claim.
On our last morning in Switzerland and on our way back to the airport, Malcolm's lovely cousin Christine took us to see the old family home in the village of Ebertswil, where she still lives with her family.
Malcolm had not seen the house since the late 1970's so you can imagine, quite a few memories were stirred during our visit.

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