Tuesday 3 May 2016

End of Cornwall

To finish with our trip to Newquay, there is just time for a few last pictures. I have mentioned the cruel winds which blew us around while we were in Cornwall and walking around some of the cliff tops, we seemed to be in danger of being blown over the edge.
These pictures were taken close to where we had hoped to have a closer look at the Trevelgue Headland. In the end we couldn't get to the end because of some ongoing ground works - which was probably for the best.
If we had manged to get to the end, it wouldn't have been very pleasant in the wind.
So, we made the best of things and enjoyed the scenery anyway.
Back to the delights of the Trenance Gardens and the sunshine made the Tulips glow with bright colours.
All very beautiful, but close by, there was a patch of Snake's-head Fritillary. Delicate and less showy than the tulips, they nevertheless made a wonderful display with their chequer-board patterned flowers.
Lastly a look at the harbour area of Newquay....
A panoramic view of the mouth of the River Camel at Padstow...
And the small island known as Newlands which lies just off Pentire Point outside Padstow Bay.
And that's it for Cornwall this time.

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