Monday 9 May 2016


Another very warm day with blue sky and a light breeze, found Malcolm and I taking a longer walk around Shipley Park and Mapperley Reservoir and Wood. The Cherry Blossom is particularly fine at the moment.
As always, against a blue sky, the white blossom seems to stand out beautifully.
There is certainly plenty of it around these parts.
The cherry trees are not the only thing in full bloom and a glance down to ground level reveals that the Cowslips are also flowering their hearts out in the sunshine.
These little flowers always seem to be simple, yellow things, but a closer look reveals the darker, orange markings on the 'throat' of the flower acting as a guide for bees to find the nectar within.
On Shipley Hill, the first of this year's Rhododendrons are beginning to flower. Most are still in tight bud, but a few have opened their flowers early.
All rather floriferous and delightful.....
With the promise of much more to come, we will have to come back this way again soon.

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