Sunday 29 May 2016

Back Home

After a very pleasant few days in Switzerland, Malcolm, his mother and I got back home last night, a little later than we had planned. Last year's break in Luzern (Lucerne) was wonderful, but this year, we stayed in Spiez in the Bernese Oberland region. We stayed at the Seegarten Marina Hotel and could not have hoped for anywhere better. The view from our balcony was jaw-dropping.
The view was dominated by the 'Swiss Pyramid' of Niesen at 7,749ft and capped with a little snow.
Arriving late on Tuesday evening, it wasn't long before the light faded and we had a night-time view, including a light on top of the mountain.
Much more to come over then next few days as I get round to sorting out all these pictures....!

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