Tuesday 5 April 2016

Summer Migrants

Our walk this morning, took us through Shipley Park, up and over the hill and down to Mapperley Reservoir. Despite the dry forecast, we were frustrated by continuous spots of rain, but were delighted to be accompanied by the sound of some summer migrant birds. Chiffchaffs have been singing their two-syllable song for a several days now, but this morning, we heard, for the first time this year, the gorgeous song of their close cousins, the Willow Warblers.  Onward towards Mapperley Reservoir and the water was looking less than inviting.
Still very muddy looking and cold, only a brave few were seen swimming about on it this morning, including one particularly inquisitive Mallard who kept following us, no doubt hoping for a bit of bread.
Out over the water however, we were pleased to see the first of this year's Swallows flying low and fast over the surface. As we walked on towards Mapperley Village, several more swallows were perched on the wires above the road.
After their long journey all the way from sub-Saharan Africa, they were looking a little 'worse-for-wear' and spent a lot of time preening and tending their feathers.
So, Summer is well and truly on it's way, so, as I pointed out to Malcolm, It'll soon be Christmas!

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