Thursday 24 March 2016

Horns and Bells

We had to get out and about without delay this morning as the forecast was for rain by mid-day, so we set out to do 'the farm walk'. Along the old railway lines, where the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust have cleared so much of the scrub away, a herd of White Park Cattle were taking things easy.
Many of these good-looking beasts have some pretty impressive head-gear, making them look rather more fearsome than they are.
Among the adult cows, were a few adorable calves. This one was just beautiful....
With a just the beginnings of its own pair of horns.
Yesterday's walk took us up and around Shipley Hill to see what was in flower there and to our great delight, the Pieris bushes were starting to bloom.
Taking a close look at these beautiful little bell-shaped flowers, it is obvious to see the Pieris' close relationship with the much smaller Heathers.

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