Monday 28 December 2015

Look Back

It has become something of a  tradition at this time of year, for us to have a brief look back at the past year. So here we go again...
The year started on a rather frosty footing and we set out for our walk on 4th January, with the thermometer well below freezing..
At the end of January, the blog was filled with pictures from our week away in The Algarve. We had some lovely walks along the cliff-tops...
 ... and along the beach where it was (thankfully) very quiet and un-crowded.
By February, winter had caught hold of us and snow coated everything in Shipley Park.
The sight of snow and the feel of plunging temperatures is always very welcome to me - but Malcolm prefers the sunshine and sandy beaches!
After the snow came the snowdrops...

While we are on the subject of Snowdrops, we were amazed this morning to see that they are already making an appearance on Shipley Hill!
March was dominated by all the talk of the Solar Eclipse - (goodness! It doesn't seem that long ago). Despite the cloudy conditions, we were lucky enough to get a view of it...
March also saw us off on our travels again. We spent a few days in Albir, Spain and were very impressed with the walks around the Sierra Gelada. There were some lovely views...
 And the cliffs were spectacular...
By the time we got home again, the hedgerows were beginning to show some early Spring colour. The first - as always - came from the Blackthorn bushes.
 Followed by the Alders
That's about all for now. Tomorrow we will look back at April to June.

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