Friday 13 November 2015


Yesterday's walk took us a little over five miles through Shipley Park, over the hill and down towards Osborne's Pond, before returning along the Nutbrook Trail once more. For a change, the sun was shining, the skies were blue and when you got into the sun, it was surprisingly warm. Certainly it was rather lovely walking along the path which was once part of the old mineral railway line system.
With sunshine filtering through the trees and a thick carpet of fallen leaves, it made for a perfect autumn scene. At one point, we encountered a man with a petrol-driven leaf blower, trying to clear the path - a more pointless act it is hard to imagine as the wind was simply replacing the leaves he had cleared. He must have been working for the local Council!
The same two pictures, given that 'artsy' look....
Over night and this morning, the wind has picked up again and it has turned quite a lot colder so I guess the path is back to how it looked before that man and his blower turned up! Time well spent there?

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