Wednesday 14 October 2015

Golden Glow

Leaving aside the excitement of getting a last look at the wonderful Vulcan, we are returning to the spectacular colours of this year's Autumn. Dominating all others, the Maple family seems to be showing off shamelessly.
The vast range of colours is on occasion, breathtaking. From the palest yellow to the deepest reds and an over-all golden glow to the whole scene.
We've been lucky with our recent walks, that the weather has been kind to us. Without the strong sunshine, the colours would not 'sing' so well - even without a little 'digital manipulation'.
Getting in a little closer again....
Up on Shipley Hill, it's not only the Maples which are colouring the scenery. The Beech trees too, are advertising the onset of autumn with their own brand of golden hue.

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