Sunday 20 September 2015


It was an extremely early start to the day this morning. Malcolm was off to the heat and sunshine of Portugal for a few days of 'heliotherapy' before Autumn sets in. Not being a great fan of sunshine, heat or the sandy beaches, I have decided not to join him this time, so having dropped him off at the airport, I returned home just as the sun was rising and struck out for a walk up Shipley Hill to see the sunrise. It had been a chilly night and the early morning mist  was still hanging about.
In parts, the mist was thick enough to be more like fog, but the sun was trying to burn through.
Among the trees on top of Shipley Hill, I was above most of the mist, so the sun was a bit brighter as it filtered through the leaves.
It was all rather gorgeous...
and just got better...
There will have to be more of this to come.!

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