Thursday 27 August 2015


The end of Summer and the onset of Autumn has revealed  some wonderful, late-flowering plants around the countryside. Nowhere is this more obvious than around the watersides. Hemp Agrimony and Angelica are in full flower to the delight of the flies, bees and wasps who all seem to be enjoying their nectar. This small Angelica plant was flowering this morning by the side of Mapperley Reservoir.
Nearby, a plant we don't see much of around these parts, but one which was nevertheless, flowering away beautifully this morning, the Bistort (Persicaria bistorta).
Fairly common in the UK, it prefers damp meadows and wet places of all sorts and flowers from mid to late summer. A member of the Knotweed family, it is a native of Britain and Europe and has been used in traditional medicines and as an ingredient in a traditional Easter pudding.
While on the subject of watersides, the views across Osborne's Pond a couple of days ago, were lovely.
The sun was shining on the Swans and ducks and the when viewed from the shade of the Oak tree there could be nothing nicer.

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