Monday 10 August 2015

Stormy Skies

Having spent the last few days doing a spot of home decorating, we were only too pleased to be out and about this morning for a walk around Shipley Park. Timing was important today as it looked as if we were not going to get far before the heavens opened and we got a good soaking. But, taking our umbrellas as insurance, we set out to do the 'farm walk'. As we passed the local wildlife trust meadows, we were delighted to see the Highland Cattle again.
While 'mum' was keeping her head down, munching on the new grass shoots, 'junior' was having fun with a small branch sticking out of the trees.
Suddenly becoming aware that there was a camera pointing at him, he posed for a second or two before walking off.
Carrying on along the footpath around theses meadows, the views across Shipley Park were rather good, especially with the glowering clouds gathering above.
The dark clouds contrasted well with the sun-lit grasses and the green of the trees in the distance on Shipley Hill.
By now, we thought it prudent not to hang about too long, so headed for home.
After all that, we avoided the rain so didn't need those umbrellas after all!

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