Wednesday 10 June 2015


Among the gardens of the Royal Botanic Gardens, water features really are a 'feature'. Outside, several streams trickle their way through the plants.
In a few parts of the gardens, the sound of rushing water is heard long before you find the streams and the moisture-loving plants which grow beside them.
Despite the windy weather, a few of the ponds were well sheltered by the surrounding trees.
More sheltered still were the ponds inside the glasshouses. Here too, lily pads were in evidence, but here, they were somewhat larger...
These Giant Water Lilies (Victoria amazonica) were quite spectacular, as were the smaller, but equally beautiful yellow and white flowered Nymphaea lilies.
Leaving the botanic gardens behind, we took a lovely afternoon stroll along the Water of Leith, the main river which runs through Edinburgh, starting at Dean Village.
At this point, someone had spent some time creating these strange, balanced stone sculptures in the water. It was all quite impressive...
and here's Malcolm enjoying the walk too..!

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