Monday 29 June 2015

Warming Up

After such a cool spring, things have started to warm up a bit now, with the promise of a lot more heat to come over the next few days. Possibly a little too much for my liking, but Malcolm will be happy.
So, this morning, we took the flask with us and set out for Mapperley Reservoir.
Without a doubt, the most striking thing about the reservoir at the moment, has to be the vast number of Water Lilies.
It seems wherever you look, there are hundreds of them.
Swimming about in amongst the lily pads, thousands of fish fry are to be found, using the pads as a nursery with many hiding places if needed.
Having enjoyed the water, it was time for the flask to come out and for us to take in the sights of the picnic area - seen here, a few weeks ago when there were fewer leaves on the trees.

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