Friday 5 June 2015


Malcolm and I got back home yesterday afternoon, from a few days away in the Scottish capital. We arrived in Edinburgh on Monday afternoon, just as the heavens opened and drenched us both. Thankfully, things got a lot better during our stay.
Tuesday, found us taking a very windy stroll up Carlton Hill. From there, you get some fantastic views.
With a Gorse-covered Arthur's Seat behind it, The Palace of Holyroodhouse - Her Majesty's official residence in Scotland - looked beautiful.
A walk around Arthur's Seat was on the agenda for Wednesday, so for now we settled for some distant views of the summit and Salisbury Crag.
Later in the afternoon, we had a stroll around the city and took in some sights along Princes Street Gardens.
It all made for a beautiful panorama.

At the other end of the gardens, the views up to the castle was just as good.
Much more to come...

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